Rihannsu Language - Prefixes to Numbers

Last Updated Friday June 20, 1997, 10:35 PM EDT

This page contains a small but useful number of words from the Rihannsu language. Most are from Diane Duane's The Romulan Way, some are from other semi-official sources, and some were made up for the MUSE. To reference the words starting with a particular letter ot topic, scroll down to that letter or topic or just select it from the meny below. For convenience, the Rihannsu curses are collected under one topic, "curses."


[ A - M | N - Z ]
[ Prefixes | Suffixes | Names | Numbers ]
[ Time - Places - Curses - Houses ]
[ Naval Ranks - Civilians - Phrases ]
[ Proposed Additions ]



Rihannsu Names

Rihannsu Numbers

The Rihannsu use a number system similar, yet different from its human coiunterparts. The below list should help the reader piece together Rihannsu versions of human numbers with a minimum of fuss, listing some Rihannsu numbers and their human translations.

The Rihannsu number system is based on the first ten numbers. Any number past ten is a combination of these numbers. Starting with the number twenty, the suffix "-hn" is added. For example, the number "til" (2) combined with the suffix "-hn" makes "til-hn", the Rihannsu number for twenty. The same process is used for hundreds, using the suffix "-ptil" (p concatenated with til, representing two zeros). Past the hundreds, the system is more complex. The apparent suffix this time represents the place value. Using this number system, there is a Rihannsu number for every standard English number.

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