Rihannsu Language - Letters J to M
Last Updated Friday June 20, 1997, 10:35 PM EDT
This page contains a small but useful number of words from the Rihannsu
language. Most are from Diane Duane's The Romulan Way, some are
from other semi-official sources, and some were made up for the MUSE. To
reference the words starting with a particular letter ot topic, scroll down
to that letter or topic or just select it from the meny below. For
convenience, the Rihannsu curses are collected under one topic, "curses."
A - C |
D - F |
G - I ]
J |
K |
L ]
M ]
N - S |
T - Z ]
Prefixes - Suffixes - Names - Numbers ]
Time - Places - Curses - Houses ]
Naval Ranks - Civilians - Phrases - Alphabet - Grammar ]
- jahaere (v) - govern
- jahkaer (n) - government
- jamnae (adj) - clear, not obstructed
- jhimn (n) - serpent
- jhoi (v) - confuse
- jhoill (n) - tunic
- jhu (n) - angel
- jihmn (n) - adversary
- joaie (adv) - once
- jol (v) - love
- Jolan'tru (Jhollan'trruh) (v) - generic semiformal greeting and farewell
- ju (adv) - there
- kaedt (n) - tunnel
- kaefh (n, v) - shame
- kaehhak (adj) - false
- kaehht (n) - alliance
- kaeth (v) - acquire
- kaeust (n, v) - object
- kaeyrh (n) - theory
- Kah'tan, Kah'tan-a (adj, n) - Caitan(s)
- kaifa (adj) - dominant
- kaisha (v) - dominate
- kaisu (n) - district, area
- kaitum (adj) - famous
- kalabam (n) - storm
- kaleh (n) - dagger, knife
- kaodt (n) - target
- kaohht (n) - starbase or space station
- kaol (n) - change
- kara (v) - divide
- kardai (n, v) - influence
- kardhae (v) - override
- karosha (v) - disturb
- kasaema (n) - dictatorship
- kehaele (n) - nostril
- kehhael (n, v) - holster
- kehsu (n) - distress call
- ketaen (n) - medicine
- ke'rhin, ke'rhin-a (n) - fellow Rihanha (Rihannsu)
- khaae (v) - communicate
- khaei (adj) - visual
- khaei'chaerh (n) - visual display
- khaelfa (n, v) - dock
- khaenth (n) - freighter
- khaeus (n) - cloud
- khaiell (n) - the atmosphere
- khamae (v) - conduct diplomacy
- kharifv (n) - diplomat
- kharnae (n) - diplomacy
- khasei (v) - cry
- khaud (n) - source
- khawae (v) - embark
- kheah (n) - access
- kheh (n) - a grain used to make ale
- kheid (n) - certainty
- kheinsa (n) - counselor
- khellian (n) - arch. "hunter," also the name of a minor Praetorial house
- khell'oann-mhehorael (adj, n) - "More of Them, from Somewhere Else." The Klingons.
- khent (adj, n) - content
- kheoil -
- (v) transact
- (n) transaction
- khhae (v) - communicate
- khhae'saehne (n) - communications officer
- khhe (adj) - clean
- khhiu (n, v) - land
- khhya (v) - exist
- khied (adj) - aggressive
- khiiea (v) - wear
- khiue (adv) - suddenly
- khlenai, khlenaiin (n) - replicator(s)
- khnai'ra rhissiuy (v) - warmly phrased expression of thanks
- khoi (v) - switch off, cease, finish, stop
- khoilmnriir (n) - chancellor, head of an educational institution
- khre'Arrain (n) - Lieutenant Commander class
- khre'Enriov (n) - "Senior Commander-General," Fleet Admiral class
- khre'Riov (n) - Commander-General, Colonel of infantry, Commodore of fleet
- khruae (v) - find
- khuea (v) - achieve
- khumae (adj) - awake
- khyii (n, v) - sight (with gunsight)
- kiehv (adj) - clumsy
- Kiith Mrevhoqq'ghi (n) - The Rihannsu diplomatic corps
- kilhra (v) - cloak, hide
- kilhra'etrehh (n) - cloaking device
- kinaen (n) - oath
- klhu (v) - watch
- klivam (adj, n) - Klingon (derogatory term)
- kllhe (n) - an annelid worm, introduced to domestic hlai pens, used as an
- kll'inghann, kll'inghann-a (adj, n) - Klingon(s) (often used as an adjective)
- k'manatram (adj, n) - outcast
- kneu'ginye (n) - a lush
- koahl (n, v) - cook
- koai (v) - get
- koehk (n, v) - face
- koemae (adj) - another
- koihaes (n) - embassy
- koimae (n) - distance, range
- kolaes (n) - emissary
- komhei (v) - dissolve
- komne (v) - demand
- konae (n, v) - dispute
- konaiya (v) - disregard
- kraehn (adj) - this
- kraep (adj) - blue
- kraeter (n) - female, woman
- krataen (n) - grain
- kroiha (v) - stop
- krowert (adv) - soon
- kryrh (n) - civilization
- knvuk (adj) - ugly
- kuaon (n) - finger
- kuhaos (adj) - final, last
- kuhaos'ellaer (n) - dinner (lastmeal)
- kuhoira (n) - criminal
- kulai (n) - fact
- kunhri (n) - crew, crewman
- kuraend (n) - factory
- kuramano (n) - deflectors, deflector shields
- kushana (v) - dare
- kustais (n) - forest, woods
- kuuraen (n) - crime
- kyr lep (adj) - some
- lacendt (adj) - small
- laectum (n) - ethics
- laehhos (n) - paper
- laehval (n) - shadow
- laemna (v) - hurry
- laeosa (n, v) - research
- laepis (adj) - impatient
- laetus (v) - corrupt
- lagga (n) - a bush noted for its rose-colored flower
- laihen (n) - manual (documentation)
- lakasaema (n) - dictator
- lakhamet (adj) - defective
- lakhraem (n) - defense
- lamne (v) - collect
- laorh (n) - catastrophe
- larokhinu (adj) - different
- latasam (n) - road, pathway
- latta (n) - death
- 'le (prep) - like, as (as in "looks like a Klingon")
- legare (n, v) - give up, surrender
- lehe'jhme (n) - fruit used to make wine
- leih (n) - commander (the position, not the rank)
- lepsain (n) - palm (of hand)
- ler (adv) - near to
- Levaeri V (n) - fifth planet of the Levaeri system (113 Trianguli)
- lhaeil (n) - satellite
- Lhaell (n) - corporal (rank)
- lhaerrh (n) - lifter (object that lifts)
- lhaerrhnen (n) - lifter (one who lifts)
- lhai (adv) - ago, as in "three days ago"
- lhhai (n) - "Sir" (civilian)
- lhhei (n) - "Madam"
- lheifv (n) - cargo
- lheifv-rrh'eilln (n) - cargo carrier
- lhhea (adj) - big
- lhi (n) - Rihannsu game of wits and riddles
- lhiifv (n) - washroom
- lhil (n) - bar, saloon, cocktail lounge
- lhlli (n) - back (of hand)
- lhoirhe (adv) - sometimes
- lhonae (n) - coward
- lhtah (adj) - toxic
- liamn (adj) - fast
- liehv (n) - camp (military term)
- lihrae (v) - persuade
- linae (n, v) - gossip, rumor
- liorae (n) - light (opposite of darkness)
- llaehas (adj) - irritable
- llaekh (n) - murder
- llaekh-ae'rl (n) - "laughing-murder," Rihannsu unarmed combat
- llaerae (n, v) - vent
- llaet'rrh (v) - Informal farewell
- llaetus (adj) - ill, sick
- llaiir (n) - flame (as opposed to fire)
- llairhi, llaudh (n) - ambassador
- llea (v) - enjoy
- lleifven (n) - attache (the job)
- llhiu (n, v) - suspect
- llhnae (n, v) - return
- llhrei'sian (n) - diarrhea as a result of mild food-poisoning
- llifv (v) - add
- llilla'hu (v) - that will do, "that's just enough," barely adequate, sufficient
- lliu (n) - none, nothing
- lliura (v) - condemn
- lloann'mhrahel (adj, n) - the UFP. The word translates as "Them, from There."
- lloann'na (n) - catchall title for a UFP member
- lloann'na-hwy (n) - captured UFP member
- l'lorel'ei (adj) - attractive
- lluoaii (v) - trim
- lluoi (n, v) - substitute
- llyyea (adj) - what
- lmnaae (adj) - valuable
- lmnae (v) - contribute
- lmnou (n) - trunk (of body)
- lnarai (n) - dandruff
- lohia (v) - practice, train, prepare
- lokhos (conj) - even so
- lonarai (adj) - dangerous
- lonhae (n) - defect
- ludaere (n, v) - estimate
- lueain (conj) - however
- luhei (v) - satisfy
- luhtos (adj) - possible
- lyret (n) - truth
- lyret dedreen (n) - concealed truth
- macae (n, v) - nap
- maehan (n) - innocence
- maehhis (n, v) - mutiny
- maehni (v) - inhabit
- maekh (n) - deodorant
- maenek (n) - doctor
- maens (n) - glove
- maeshai (v) - convince
- mahhoi (v) - to dedicate
- maihi (adj) - funny
- mandaar (v) - fascinate
- mandukar (adj) - watchful, vigilant
- mayri (v) - come
- meikh (n) - tremor
- melakol (n) - unit of measure for pressure
- mensai (adj) - illegal
- meraehh (n) - angle
- meraere (n, v) - ground
- metrain (n) - galley
- mhaeli (v) - intend, mean to
- mhhamn (adj) - innocent
- mhiohs (n) - success
- mhnu (n) - mastery
- mhr'vaat (n) - ambition, hubris, extreme pride
- miite (adj, n) - middle, center
- miite'aesnl (n) - midday
- miite'ellaer (n) - lunch (midmeal)
- miite'temar (n) - midnight
- missaem (adj) - neural
- mliank'ie (adj) - suspicious
- mnaae (adj) - mad, angry
- mnaes (excl) - come on
- mnahe (n) - hate
- mnakhao (n) - system
- mnaudh (n) - strength
- mneiyye (v) - use
- mnek'nra, mnekha (v) - "correct, right, satisfactory." Inf-Sup and
Sup-Inf modes, respectively.
- mnhaeu (n, v) - bargain
- mnhei'sahe (n) - the Ruling Passion, honor, "face," courtesy
- mniet (v) - throw
- mnih (n) - bone
- mniohr (n) - space station
- mniue (n) - altitude
- mniurr (adj) - true
- mniy (n) - beard
- mnuei (v) - threaten
- mogai (n) - a Rihannsu-sized carnivorous bird native to ch'Rihan
- mohaes (n) - gown
- mollais (adj) - new
- monaeta (v) - gripe
- mondae (n, v) - guess
- moraere (v) - energize (i.e. thrusters, transporter)
- morairi (n, v) - guard
- morhhae (n, v) - impact, strike
- morlas (v) - to explode
- morlatta (n) - destruction
- mosaene (v) - misinterpret
- mosaram (n) - breeze, wind
- mrht (conj) - but
- mulaere (v) - obey
- murais (adj) - negative
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