Rihannsu Language - Letters D to F
Last Updated Friday June 20, 1997, 10:35 PM EDT
This page contains a small but useful number of words from the Rihannsu
language. Most are from Diane Duane's The Romulan Way, some are
from other semi-official sources, and some were made up for the MUSE. To
reference the words starting with a particular letter ot topic, scroll down
to that letter or topic or just select it from the meny below. For
convenience, the Rihannsu curses are collected under one topic, "curses."
A - C |
D |
E |
F ]
G - I |
J - M |
N - S |
T - Z ]
Prefixes - Suffixes - Names - Numbers ]
Time - Places - Curses - Houses ]
Naval Ranks - Civilians - Phrases - Alphabet - Grammar ]
- d' (adj) - grand, great (prefix)
- dabhae (v) - free, independent
- daedo (v) - flap, flutter, wave
- daeftan (n) - girl
- daefv (n) - belt
- daegnus (adj) - exact, perfect
- daehhe -
- (v) maintain
- (n) maintenance
- daehhra (n, v) - hassle, problem
- daehlen (n) - friend
- daehp (n, v) - name
- daeien (n) - frequency (radio)
- daeinos (adj) - immortal
- daekha (v) - kill
- daekr (v) - claim (territory)
- daelft (excl) - good
- daelh (adj) - lateral
- daeman (n) - galactic rim
- daemnh (n) - freedom, independence
- daendle (adj) - fortunate, lucky
- daengi (v) - infect
- daenhh (n) - scent, odor
- daenn (n) - group, party
- daeohre (v) - freeze
- daeop (adj) - lazy
- daeorc (n) - fore
- daerai (n) - field (as in electromagnetic fields)
- daerhhu (v) - concentrate
- daesn (n) - administration
- daete (n, v) - maneuver
- daetra (n, v) - hassle
- Daeus (n) - general (rank)
- daevire (v) - forget
- daew (adj) - honest
- daie (interj) - yes (inferior to superior form)
- daigae (adj) - foolish, silly
- daihl (n) - flag
- daihne (adj) - inhabited
- dailce (n, v) - label
- dainhka (n, v) - flood
- daiplao (n) - infection
- daire (v) - forbid
- dairh (n, v) - leak
- daise (adj) - prefix: chief, principal, senior, etc.
- daisemi'in (n) - chief among several
- daisen (adj) - frozen
- daith (n) - control panel
- daivus (n) - jurisdiction
- dalaredh (adj) - busy
- damne (n, v) - fool
- d'anna (n) - marriage
- daodae (v) - kneel
- daold (adj) - lame
- daom (adj) - left (side)
- darhhan (n) - hair
- debaere (v) - gargle
- dedreen (v) - conceal
- defaehre (n) - genesis
- deihu (n) - "elder," a member of the Senate, "Senator"
- dekon (n, v) - help
- delairus (n) - goal
- deletham (n) - defender, protector
- delevhas (n) - shield
- delhais (n) - lake
- dellae (v) - glow
- d'elo (n) - Rihannsu game of stones and sticks traced back to Ancient Vulcan
- delon (adj) - swift
- demhos (n) - gift
- denae (v) - follow
- denebhan (n) - Denebian
- denebhan'ahlh (n) - Denebian slime devil
- deorae (v) - focus on, concentrate on, think only about
- dermai (v) - happen, occur
- desaise (n, v) - insult
- descai (n, v) - heat
- deyhhan (n) - husband
- dhaeg (n) - foot
- dhaehe (v) - listen
- dhaehhr (n) - agency
- dhael (n) - bird. General, conceptual, as often applied to real birds as
to thought-image of a bird, gliding, soaring, etc.
- dhaemn (n) - chair
- dhaesan (n) - module
- dhaie (v) - arrive
- dhaihfu (adj) - dishonest
- dhaile (v) - identify
- dhaolp (adv) - laterally
- dhat (adj) - no
- dheyyan (adj) - honored
- dhhae (v) - lend
- dhhaol (n) - body
- dhiamn (n) - room
- dhiu (v) - clip
- dhiys (n) - citizen
- dhoaal (v) - surround
- dhoer (adj) - clipped
- dhoiuy (v) - stuff
- dhraeu (v) - work, toil
- dhroi (n, v) - answer
- dhuil (n) - anger
- diadaen (adj) - heavy
- diae (v) - care for/about, take care of
- diamn (adv) - always
- diehv (n) - robot
- digaer (n) - home
- dignair (adj) - good
- dinaes (n) - privilege
- dinglh (n) - food center, restaurant
- dinglha (adj) - hungry
- dipsae (adj) - inferior
- dirhae (v) - injure
- diserhn (n)- assistant
- diy (n) - column
- D'ravsai (n) - The Great Brothers, the ancient species believed to have seeded
many forms of intelligent life throughout the galaxy (known to
the Federation as 'The Preservers'). Worshipped as gods in one
Rihannsu religion.
- d'hannam (n) - prayer
- d'latta (n) - honorable death, specifically one that furthers the mnhei'sahe
of the deceased
- dlhei (n) - torpedo
- dlhei-ss'ue (n) - torpedo tube
- d'navassa (n) - birth (referring to an intelligent being)
- d-navassa'tel (n) - birthday
- doaege (n) - language
- doakhi (n, v) - stink
- docaere (v) - keep, save
- docgae (v) - know
- dochai -
- (n, v) lecture, address
- (n) speech
- (v) speak
- doehk (adj) - manual, by hand
- dohhae (n) - house
- dohht (n) - line, rope
- dohtor (n) - force field
- dokkae (v) - kick
- domaere (n, v) - force
- doprae (v) - announce
- dorsaem (n) - leg
- dosais (n) - left over
- dotaen (adj) - legal
- draao (n) - army
- draed (n) - life
- draedet (n) - life-support system
- draegan (n, v) - limit
- draehh (adj) - light (weight)
- draemn (n) - liquor
- draene (v) - inform
- draeorh (n) - life sign
- draere -
- (n) observation
- (v) observe
- draes (n) - male, man
- draeudt (n) - vacation
- drahha (v) - like
- draomn (n) - twilight
- drihaen (adj) - long, lengthy
- droakh (adj) - young
- drolae (v) - look, search, seek
- drusae (n, v) - scan
- druusmn (n) - scanner
- dryhae (v) - loosen
- d'sora (n) - coming of age ceremony held when a child reaches age five
- d'talla (n) - the Great Duty (a military service obligation)
- d'tethos (n) - phaser rifle
- duhaen (adv) - just, merely
- duhhus (n) - lip
- duimn (adj) - advanced, highly developed
- durrhan (n) - forehead
- dvaer (adj) - only
- dynt (adj) - great, wonderful
- dypshj (n) - partner, ally
- dyyde (n, v) - honor
- dyyhti (n) - law
- dyynl (adj) - impressive
- dyypan (adj) - incompetent
- eafva (n) - thing
- eahe (n, v) - progress
- eahhyu (v) - round up
- eaidos (n) - expedition
- eallu (v) - complain
- eamn (adj) - charming
- e'ayy (n) - year
- ebhae (v) - annoy
- ecimae (adv) - in that case, then, thus, so
- ecraser (n) - field (of land)
- ecurai (n, v) - hope
- edaht (n) - conglomeration
- edaiht (n) - word (as in a compilation of letters)
- edaol (adj) - strange
- efveh (n) - authority
- efveimne (n) - alphabet, the Rihannsu writing system
- egaesih (n) - pajamas
- ehaes (adj) - pleasant
- ehainos (n) - miner
- ehfai (n) - earthquake
- ehhaai (v) - sleep
- ehhae (adj) - bright, light
- ehhedra -
- (v) overtake
- (n, v) pass
- ehhit (n) - surface
- ehief (n) - consequential thing, something important
- ehkifv (n) - consul
- ehkikh (n) - support (military term)
- ehktoi (v) - consent
- ehl'ein (adj) - without forethought or reason (see afw'ein)
- ehlrh (n) - question
- ehlu (v) - abandon, to lose
- ehraet (adj) - tired
- ehrefv (n) - squadron
- ehrhe (n, v) - skin
- ehrie (adj) - green
- ehrr (n) - anyone
- ehsaeh (adj) - usual
- ehsiu (excl) - well, so
- ehswe (v) - scare
- ehtea (v) - change
- eial (adj) - alone
- eibhul (n) - tribble
- eidae (v) - attempt
- eiheu (adj) - calm
- eihllu (v) - wake up
- eihwai (adj) - superior
- eiihu (v) - concentrate on, focus on, think only about
- eiiur (adj) - sour
- eikohh (n) - weapon
- einnae (v) - ring (a bell or alarm)
- eirai (v) - admire
- eirhiss (n) - grounds, property
- eirrae (v) - steal
- Eisn (n) - "homesun," the G9 star 128 Trianguli
- eitara (v) - deny
- Eitreh'hveinn (n) - the Farmer's Festival
- eiuuh (n) - trunk (storage object)
- eiyyae (v) - roam, rove
- eiyyha (n, v) - transfer
- ejhoi (v) - choose
- ekhaem (adj) - rich
- ekhaid (n) - universe
- ekhau (v) - approach
- ekhesai (n) - mercy
- ekhiel (n) - council
- e'lev, heis'he (n) - love, "my love"
- elhaeu -
- (v) warn
- (n) warning
- elhaon (n) - vegetation
- elhhao (v) - rob
- ellaer (n) - meal
- eloher (n) - origin
- emaehe (n, v) - mine
- emael (adv) - not
- emafhai (n, v) - disguise
- emaifha (n) - disease
- embaele (n, v) - mix
- embolae (v) - negotiate
- emhi (v) - discuss
- emnaae (n, v) - smoke
- emnein (adj) - parallel
- emotae (n) - noble, nobility
- enaere (v) - jog, run
- enarrain (n) - Senior Centurion, Colonel of infantry, Rear Admiral of fleet forces
- enemae -
- (n) occupation
- (v) occupy
- enfaer -
- (v) obstruct
- (n) obstruction
- enhaire (n) - outside
- enriov (n) - Admiral class
- enuare (v) - proceed
- enviy (n) - bartender
- eolh (n) - mouth
- epohh (n) - pet
- equitorum (n) - Crew class
- eredh, eredhin (n) - cadet or student (plural)
- erei'Arrain (n) - "Subcenturion," Lieutenant Junior Grade
- erei'Enriov (n) - "Sub-senior Commander," Vice Admiral of fleet
- erei'Riov (n) - "Subcommander," Captain of infantry, Lieutenant Commander of
- erein (n) - "Antecenturion/Subcenturion," infantry officer-cadet, Ensign of fleet
- erhhae (v) - participate
- erhiu (v) - eavesdrop
- erho (n) - dish, course (food)
- ernrae (v) - instruct, teach
- erohae (n, v) - matter
- errae (v) - chat
- errhi (v) - attack
- esaahe (v) - control
- esael -
- (v) manage
- (n) manager
- eshae (adj) - fierce
- etahrae (v) - convey
- ethae (adj) - easy
- ethaon (n, v) - poison
- etmnau (n, v) - snow
- etrehh (n) - machine
- etremn (n) - machinery
- etrhei (v) - serve
- euhre (n) - planet
- euslh (adj) - corrupt
- euukh (n) - vein
- evied (adj) - retired
- fablae (v) - procrastinate
- fadh (adj) - dull
- faeder (adj) - putrid
- faedhe (v) - relax, rest
- faehe (n, v) - project
- faehhn -
- (v) promote
- (n) promotion
- faehhon (adj) - overhead
- faehht (n) - secret
- faehor (adj) - ready, standing by
- faehtan (n) - religion
- faehun (n) - radan (crude dilithium crystal)
- faekha (v) - receive
- faelh (n) - refuge
- faelirh (n) - son
- faell (adj) - rare
- faema (v) - punish
- faemn (n) - cheek
- faeoh (n, v) - rain
- faeond -
- (v) recommend, suggest (v)
- (n) recommendation, suggestion (n)
- faeor (v) - put
- faerh (n) - pupil (of eye)
- faerla (v) - read
- faerre (n, v) - hit
- faeruwa (n) - duty station, station
- faeshan (n) - saccharin
- faest (adj) - pure
- faetor (n) - ray
- faeum (n) - security
- faicol (n, v) - rebel
- faihra -
- (v) realize
- (n) realization
- faiihr (n, v) - record
- faikaru (n) - duty, mission, quest
- fanaesu (n) - dysentery
- faramn (adj) - raw, unprocessed
- farhei (v) - cancel
- fascae (v) - push
- faucon (v) - propel
- faumne (v) - raid
- faurrh (n) - side
- fealh (v) - prove
- feallan (adj) - proud
- Feh'rengi, Feh'rengiin (adj, n) - Ferengi(s)
- feire (v) - prosper
- fermae (v) - purchase
- fhaestu (n, v) - reason
- fhaihuhhru (n, v) - row, fight, uproar
- fhyyr (n, v) - regret
- fihaele (v) - recognize
- fiihma (adj) - dumbfounded, shocked
- flaehe (v) - remind
- flaehol (n, v) - reign, rule
- flaeon (v) - remain
- flaerhe (v) - rely
- flaihh (v) - remember
- flaiihe (v) - relieve
- flyyht (v) - resent
- folium (n) - genius
- fortnepas (adj) - all
- fraene (n, v) - repair
- fraeta -
- (n, v) report
- (v) tell
- fraire (n, v) - rendezvous
- fryylh (v) - resign
- fuhhe (v) - resemble
- fumae (n, v) - duel
- futaiha (n, v) - dry
- fvaae (n) - confusion
- fvaekh (adj) - confused, mixed-up
- fvaennh (n) - war
- fvaeihh (n) - translator
- fvai, fvaii (n) - child's riding-beast and house-pet
- fvaih (adj, v) - separate
- fvehai (n) - worker
- fveirrolh (adj) - perserverant
- fveill (n) - airlock
- fveod (adj) - careless
- fveolh (n) - agonizer, Klingon agonizer
- fvillha (n) - One who serves in the fvillhaih ("Praetor")
- fvillhaih (n) - Praetorate
- fvin (adj) - satisfied
- fvrihai (n) - administrator
- fviudh (n) - story
- fviurr (n) - capital (of a place)
- fvoir (adv) - while
- fyrhh (n) - region
- fyyhhan (v) - refuse
- fyyhol (v) - represent
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