Rihannsu Language - Military Ranks to Grammar

Last Updated Friday June 20, 1997, 10:35 PM EDT

This page contains a small but useful number of words from the Rihannsu language. Most are from Diane Duane's The Romulan Way, some are from other semi-official sources, and some were made up for the MUSE. To reference the words starting with a particular letter ot topic, scroll down to that letter or topic or just select it from the meny below. For convenience, the Rihannsu curses are collected under one topic, "curses."


[ A - M | N - Z ]
[ Prefixes - Suffixes - Names - Numbers ]
[ Time - Places - Curses - Houses ]
[ Naval Ranks | Civilians | Phrases ] Alphabet | Grammar ]

Naval/Military Ranks

Note that these ranks run from lowest to highest.

Civilian Ranks

Various Useful Phrases in Rihannsu

  • a'hyan hnaai ll'anha - "(persons name), get an away team ready to go."
  • lagga ch'jhu - "a flower for an angel"
  • hwiiyo her'u - "I am lonely"
  • hnalo-stev thllen-a - "I want results now"
  • hnalo thlo hru'fir - "I need my bondmate," or "I need to bond"
  • hwiiy amton'wi-kha - "you are promiscuous"
  • hwiiy kneu'ginye - "you are a lush"
  • tal 'le kll'inghann - "you look like a Klingon"
  • hwiiy l'lorel'ei - "you are attractive"
  • ssuej-ay thlom? - "do you know me?"
  • jol-ao au - "I love you"
  • kll'inghann-a fvaiin aefvadh-ayar'dhat chon - "Klingon dogs are not welcome here" (aefvadh is the verb, meaning "are welcome," with -ayar being the suffix to denote a singular third person subject-verb combo)
  • ssuej-ay t'lhim lloann'na? - "do you know that Fed?"
  • hriah-ay th'ann(-a) hrrau br'terrh - "take the prisoner(s) to the brig"
  • urruyo oira - "I'm on (going to) the bridge"
  • ya-ie'yakk - "armed and ready to open fire"
  • hwiiy kllhe - "you (are a) worm"
  • v'yy'al, fvai - "(you will) die, dog"
  • v'rhaen-ao'au - "I'll kill you"