Rihannsu Language - Letters T to Z
Last Updated Friday June 20, 1997, 10:35 PM EDT
This page contains a small but useful number of words from the Rihannsu
language. Most are from Diane Duane's The Romulan Way, some are
from other semi-official sources, and some were made up for the MUSE. To
reference the words starting with a particular letter ot topic, scroll down
to that letter or topic or just select it from the meny below. For
convenience, the Rihannsu curses are collected under one topic, "curses."
A - C |
D - F |
G - I |
J - M ]
N - S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z ]
Prefixes - Suffixes - Names - Numbers ]
Time - Places - Curses - Houses ]
Naval Ranks - Civilians - Phrases - Alphabet - Grammar ]
- ta (v) - look (active verb)
- tactau (v) - exile
- taehra (v) - walk
- taeiih (n) - viewing screen
- taein (adj) - popular
- taekhos (n) - information
- taeller (adj) - healthy
- taemon (adj) - orange
- taenos (adj) - identical
- taentre (n, v) - exhaust
- taere (v) - lie, recline
- taerha (v) - demolish
- taeron (n) - infirmary
- tahkil (n) - spine
- tahll (adj) - sublight
- taicir (n) - opportunity
- taikhos (n) - noun
- tainct (n) - intelligence
- taith (v) - accumulate
- takaram (n) - comet
- tagor (n) - talon
- takas (n) - multi-unit living structure, apartment building
- ta'khoi (v) - "Screen off," usage for voice-activation equipment
- ta'krenn (v) - "Look here, look at this"
- talas (v) - to carry or lift
- talasagam h'sarin (n) - transporter (technical term)
- talhae (n) - screen, viewing screen
- talla (n) - duty, obligation (to something not involving personal honor)
- Tal Shiar (n) - the Rihannsu secret police and intelligence agency
- taolhe (v) - pick up
- taome (adv) - how
- taorhum (n) - interference
- taortuu (v) - execute, put to death
- tarais -
- (n) penalty
- (v) penalize
- ta'rhae (v) - "screen on"
- teelis (n) - song
- tehos (n) - phaser (personal)
- tehsmaer (v) - prosper
- teidr (n) - arms (small)
- telaet (n) - elder
- temar (adj, n) - night
- temnei (n) - analysis
- tempaer (adv) - intentionally, on purpose
- tendaer (adj) - interesting
- terha (adj) - dark
- terrh (n) - darkness
- thaliij (n) - mountain
- th'ann, th'ann-a (n) - "a/the prisoner"
- th'ann'vnau, th'ann-a'vnau (n) - escaped prisoner(s)
- tharon (v) - sit
- theirr (n) - guardian
- Thieurrull (n) - Hellguard, a failed colony planet (uninhabited)
- thaaes (v) - undress
- thaai (n) - logic
- thaebe (v) - learn
- thaehos (n) - passenger
- thaele (n, v) - pause
- thaessu (n) - Vulcan (person)
- thalaeh (n) - hill
- t'haim (pro) - them
- t'hhai (pro) - they
- t'hhaim (pro) - their
- thao (n) - fever
- thealh (adj) - responsible
- thermae (v) - hypnotize
- thhaei (n) - Vulcan (planet)
- thhaer (adj) - uneasy
- thiich (adj,v) - live
- thlhe (pron) - he
- thlem (pron) - him
- thllen (n) - result, as in "I want results"
- thlhem (pron) - his
- thlho (pron) - me (subjective form)
- thlom (pron) - me (objective form)
- thlhom (pron) - my, mine
- thoi (v) - describe
- thrad (v) - to lie, deceive
- thraedt (v) - compete
- thrafv (adj) - sharp
- thrai, thraiin (n) - predator, analogous to the Terran wolverine
- thural (n) - a small rodent-like aquatic mammal sometimes used as a pet
- tie-hh'ellaer (n) - breakfast (firstmeal)
- tillaer (n) - insurrection
- tintear (adj) - intelligent
- tlaru (n) - intelligence (spying)
- tlhei (n) - "my word," given as in "my (given) word" or "my
- t'lhim (adj) - that, as in "that warbird"
- t'lhoi (pro) - we
- t'lhoim (pro) - our, ours
- t'li (pron) - it (subjective form)
- t'lii (pron) - it (objective form)
- t'lim (pron) - its
- t'liss (n) - a bird of prey (the Rihannsu Warbird)
- tlhojur (n) - hour
- tllhe (n) - shot
- t'loim (pro) - us
- tohr (adj) - long
- toirha (v) - cooperate
- tolmaen (n) - landing party
- traedh (v) - smell (emit odor)
- Trh'ill (adj, n) - Trill
- t'shel (pron) - she
- t'selm (pron) - her
- t'shelm (pron) - hers
- tyrh (n) - chin
- tyyhh (n) - clothing
- uaefv (n) - cave
- uaenn (prep) - away from
- uaith (n) - tree
- uehiuy (n, v) - trip
- uennth (n) - steam
- ueshae (n, v) - court-martial
- uevhn (prep) - under
- uhaene (v) - melt
- uhaii (adj) - deadly
- uhfea (adj) - simple, straightforward
- uhhaae (adv) - so, then, thus, in that case
- uhhael (n) - ring (for finger)
- uhhmos (n) - predecessor
- uhjae (adj) - smart
- Uhlan (n) - junior rank in the Rihannsu infantry
- uhtea (v) - tighten
- uhtra (v) - see
- uihvu (v) - betray
- uirae (v) - charge (up)
- ulaere -
- (v) introduce
- (n) introduction
- ulhao (v) - confess
- ulhei (adj) - ancient
- ullaere (n, v) - measure
- ullie (v) - conspire
- umaere -
- (v) interrogate
- (n) interrogation
- umnei (v) - choke
- unhaiy (v) - tempt
- urhae (adj) - ashamed
- urhoii (v) - brag
- urrhaa (adj) - all gone
- urru (v) - go, "go to..." (verb or a non-mode imperative)
- urstev (v) - leave, dismissed
- usae (adj) - sorry
- ustalam (n) - lifter, a type of cargo conveyance
- uvhae (v) - cheat
- vadas (v) - to glide
- vaedhl (adj) - boring
- vaed'rae (v) - "hear me/attend me," "attention." More imperative
than "listen," and more formal.
- vaed'rehai (n) - professor
- vaehf (n) - vocabulary
- vaehha (adj) - slightly, a little bit
- vaehkh (n) - derogatory term meaning neighbor, used for a stranger (alien)
- vaeidr (n) - society
- vaelg (n) - knee
- vaenair (adj) - fatal
- vagram (adj) - unfaithful
- vahhari (v) - prohibit
- vahhrer (n) - judgement
- vahhta (v) - contain (have inside)
- vahk (n) - conspiracy
- vah-udt (v) - "what rank?" "who are you (to be asking/doing this)?"
- vahuus (n) - pleasure
- vaiht (n) - coordinates
- vailiu (v) - ascend
- vainnh (n) - rifle
- vaiyr (v) - compromise
- valaere (n, v) - judge
- valhaer (n) - power (political)
- vang'radam (n) - traitor, betrayer
- vas' (adj) - prefix referring to a flying creature
- vastaram (n) - flying object
- vautha (n) - space
- vauthil (n) - triumph, victory
- vectau (n) - explosive
- veiht (n) - announcement
- venire (n, v) - experiment
- veohus (n) - sore
- veoth (n) - child, offspring
- verelan (adj) - graceful, proper female name meaning the same
- vergaere (adj) - expert
- vhaia (adj) - when
- viahra (n, v) - sting
- vidhaes (n) - history
- viduus (adj) - happy
- vihroi (v) - call, name
- viinerine (n) - a traditional dish (food)
- virael (n, v) - reach
- visaer (n) - overhead
- viyyd (adj) - unconscious
- vnau (adj) - suffix meaning loose, wild
- Vorta Vor (n) - Rihannsu Eden or Heaven
- voyyer (adj) - over
- vriha (adj) - highest, most superior
- waenhu (v) - disappear
- waes (adj) - messy, sloppy
- wagi (n) - a type of dense, prickly brush
- wahnaek (v) - decay
- wanae (adj, v) - counterfeit
- wanarae (n, v) - damage, cause damage
- whaenra (n) - credit (monetary unit)
- whaimn (adj) - distressed, in distress
- whhea (v) - tickle
No entries.
- ya (adj) - armed, as in "disruptor armed," or "ya-ie'yakk"
- yaekh (adj) - ruthless
- yana (v) - count
- yhaes (n) - meteor
- yhaim (v) - drop
- yhea (adj) - agile or maneuverable
- yhfi (v) - to travel
- yhfi-etrehh (n) - turbolift
- yhfi-ss'ue (n) - "travel-tubes" or subway
- y'hhau (v) - informal greeting
- yhisu (n, v) - dread
- yhlaen (n) - gear (equipment)
- yhopae (n, v) - panic
- yhutaen (n) - pants
- yrrha -
- (v) transmit
- (n) transmission
- ysrri (n) - torture
- yuuhhai (n, v) - fine, tax
- yy'a (adj, v) - die, dead
- yyambae (v) - omit
- yyasha (v) - depend on
- yydlhei (n) - photon torpedo
- yyhaeih (adj) - solid
- yyhle (n, v) - play
- yyitai (n, v) - doubt
- yytaera (v) - depart
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